bogomolets national medical universityBOGOMOLETS NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY

Bogomolets National Medical University is the most prominent national medical university in Ukraine and highly ranked worldwide.

A huge number of foreign students join Bogomolets National Medical University every year, and every year, many foreign students from every corner of the world graduate from Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine.

Bogomolets National Medical University has a huge network of affiliated hospitals, where national and foreign students do their practical work with patients directly during their medical studies.

Nationals of Ukraine who belong to other cities live in modernly renovated university hostels and enjoy a full range of living facilities, and at these university hostels, foreign students also live and enjoy the same modern life facilities.

The academic atmosphere is very friendly, and also the teachers are highly professional and deliver the best medical education to all national and foreign students at Bogomolets National Medical University.

The number of foreign students from different countries is increasing every year at Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine.

The university is located in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, and foreign students feel very comfortable during their academic stay in Kiev.






The admission requirements are quite simple for foreign students at this medical university.

Most international medical students come from Asia and Africa.

African international medical students scan their secondary school certificate copy with chemistry and biology subjects mentioned and also a travel passport copy in the email of the admissions staff ( for admission evaluation, which is completed within 2 days, and every applicant is notified of the decision.

Asian international medical students mostly come from India and Pakistan, and these nationals are required to send their 10+2 certificate copy to the same email of the admissions staff mentioned above.

The same admission process applies for African international students too, but admission qualifications differ with African applicants.


International students come from almost every country to study at Bogomolets National Medical University, and most foreign students come from Africa and Asia.

Afghan nationals always like to study general medicine courses and also other medical courses abroad, and they come to Ukraine also to study at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Afghan nationals also like to study dentistry and pharmacy at Bogomolets National Medical University.

From Bahrain, many foreign medical students come to join Bogomolets National Medical University and study general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses with English as the medium of instruction.

Indian medical students love to study medical courses, and they prefer Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine to study MBBS and dentistry courses.

International Indian medical students are the largest group among all Asian medical students in Ukraine, and at Bogomolets National Medical University, their numbers are always huge studying MBBS.

Indian international medical students reside in Bogomolets National Medical University hostels during their medical studies in Ukraine.

Iranian international medical students also come to Ukraine every year and join Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical education in different fields, and most of them join dentistry courses.

Iraqi nationals also like to join Ukrainian medical studies at Bogomolets National Medical University, and these Iraqi nationals normally study their general medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry courses with Ukrainian as their medium of instruction after a 10-month Ukrainian language course at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Israeli nationals every year come to Ukraine for their medical education at Bogomolets National Medical University and study different medical programs like general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

From Japan, a few international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University and study medical courses.

From Kuwait, many international medical students come to Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University for general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses.

Lebanese international medical students also join every year in medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University and study their medical programs with the Ukrainian medium of instruction.

Lebanese international medical students always consider Bogomolets National Medical University rankings among all medical universities abroad.

From the Maldives, a few international medical students come to Bogomolets National Medical University to study MBBS courses.

Malaysian international medical students prefer Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical courses in various areas of medical education and study general medicine courses with English as their medium of instruction at Bogomolets National Medical University.

North Korean international medical students love to study at Bogomolets National Medical University, especially their medical courses, particularly general medicine.

Pakistani nationals also come to Ukraine every year in good numbers to study MBBS, and they prefer Bogomolets National Medical University due to its high rankings worldwide.

Palestinian nationals have a good presence in Ukraine at all national medical universities, and they always prefer Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical education in Ukraine.

Qatar is a hub of foreign communities, and from Qatar, every year, a good number of Asian and African international students join Bogomolets National Medical University for MBBS, dentistry, and pharmacy courses.

The tuition fee for Bogomolets National Medical University is normally affordable for international students, so they prefer this medical university while choosing their study abroad destination among all medical universities in Europe.

From Saudi Arabia, many foreign medical students arrive in Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical education. These foreign medical students coming from Saudi Arabia normally belong to other Asian and African communities.

South Korean international medical students come to Ukraine in few numbers, but once they decide to study general medicine abroad in Ukraine, their first preference is always Bogomolets National Medical University due to the quality of medical education and the affordable Bogomolets National Medical University fee.

Sri Lankan international medical students come rarely to Ukraine for the MBBS program, but once they decide on Ukraine, their first preference is always Bogomolets National Medical University.

Syrian international medical students are in huge numbers always at all national medical universities located in major cities in Ukraine, and at Bogomolets National Medical University, Syrian medical students have always been studying.

Turkish international medical students every year come in huge numbers to Ukraine and join different medical universities.

Turkish international medical students also join Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical courses, especially dentistry and pharmacy.

From the United Arab Emirates, every year a good number of foreign students come to Ukraine to study general medicine and dentistry courses, and they join mostly Bogomolets National Medical University due to its high rankings worldwide.

From Yemen, a few international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical courses, especially general medicine.

Algerian international students also occasionally travel to Ukraine to study at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Angolan international students join Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine due to its high rankings among worldwide medical universities and study their general medicine course with Ukrainian as the medium of instruction after a Ukrainian language course at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Benin nationals rarely do join Bogomolets National Medical University for different medical courses.

Botswana nationals depart every year for Ukraine and join general medicine courses at Bogomolets National Medical University, and Ukraine welcomes them always.

Botswana medical students study their medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

Burundi nationals have never been in huge numbers studying at Bogomolets National Medical University due to economic conditions in Burundi.

Comoros nationals also come to Ukraine in a few numbers to study dentistry, pharmacy, and general medicine courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with affordable tuition fees in Ukraine.

Ukraine always welcomes Congolese international students at Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv. Congolese international students study medical courses with Ukrainian as the medium of instruction, as they are normally good at French.

Congolese international students choose Bogomolets National Medical University due to qualitative education and the best teaching methods.

From Ivory Coast, a good number of international medical students every year come to Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv due to quality education and affordable tuition fees.

Ivory Coast nationals study general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with Ukrainian as the medium of instruction, as in Ivory Coast, the official language is French.

Egyptian international students every year come to Ukraine to study at Bogomolets National Medical University, and they are always in huge numbers in Ukraine at mostly all national medical universities.

Egyptian international medical students normally study general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses with Ukrainian as their medium of instruction, as they speak Arabic in Egypt.

The admission requirements for Bogomolets National Medical University are very simple, which all foreign medical students follow in order to be admitted.

From Eritrea, every year, a few international medical students come to Bogomolets National Medical University.

Swaziland nationals love to study general medicine, and they every year in few numbers join Bogomolets National Medical University.

Swaziland nationals are normally good at English, so they study their medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

Ethiopian international students have also started coming to Ukraine for their medical education and joining Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv.

Gabon nationals like to study medical courses, but rarely do they join Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine at present.

Gambian international students come to Ukraine every year and study at Bogomolets National Medical University for medical courses.

Bogomolets National Medical University hostels are fully equipped with all modern life facilities, so foreign students feel very comfortable during their academic stay in Ukraine and studying at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Rarely do Guinean international students join Ukrainian medical courses, but a few join Bogomolets National Medical University sometimes in years.

Kenyan international students like to study medical courses, and they come to Ukraine every year in good numbers.

Few of these Kenyan international students join Bogomolets National Medical University.

Liberian international medical students every year depart for Ukraine in huge numbers to study general medicine at Bogomolets National Medical University, and these Liberian international students study medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

Libyan international students also depart for Ukraine every year for their higher medical education, and they often join Bogomolets National Medical University for general medicine.

Malawian international students also join Bogomolets National Medical University rarely.

Mauritius nationals also come to Ukraine to study medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University, but not in huge numbers.

Moroccan international medical students in Ukraine are always in huge numbers studying general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses, and they join Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv every year.

Mozambique nationals rarely do come to Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University for general medicine courses.

Namibian international medical students every year leave Namibia for their medical education in Ukraine, and they join Bogomolets National Medical University.

International Namibian medical students are brilliant at English, so they always prefer to study medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

Rwandan international medical students have also started coming to Ukraine more often and joining Bogomolets National Medical University for medical courses. Rwandan international students normally study their medical courses with English as their medium of instruction.

Senegalese international students rarely come to Ukraine to study medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University due to poor economic conditions in Senegal.

From Sierra Leone, few international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University for medical education and study with English as the medium of instruction.

South African international medical students are always in huge numbers at national medical universities in Ukraine, and they study general medicine at Bogomolets National Medical University.

South African international medical students always like to study medical courses with English as the medium of instruction at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Sudanese international students are known as brilliant international students in Ukraine, and Bogomolets National Medical University always welcomes Sudanese international medical students at its medical faculties.

Sudanese international students study general medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry courses with Ukrainian as the medium of instruction after a language course at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Tanzanian international students also come to Bogomolets National Medical University for medical courses, but rarely due to poor economic conditions in Tanzania.

Togolese international students are always welcomed by Bogomolets National Medical University for medical education.

International Togolese students study normally medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with Ukrainian as their medium of instruction after a language course at Bogomolets National Medical University.

International Tunisian students have always been coming to Ukraine during past years for their medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University.

International Ugandan students also join Bogomolets National Medical University for medicine courses in Ukraine.

Zambian international medical students have always been welcomed at Bogomolets National Medical University for their medical education, as Zambian international students are known as brilliant international students at medical faculties.

International Zambian medical students prefer to always study their general medicine courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

Zambian international medical students obtain their Ukraine student visa from the Ukrainian embassy in South Africa.

Zimbabwean international medical students every year come to Ukraine in few numbers and join medical courses at Bogomolets National Medical University with English as their medium of instruction.

From Austria, a few international medical students every year Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine due to its high rankings worldwide.

Belgium is a prominent country from which some international medical students come to Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University to study general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

From Denmark, rarely do international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine.

Finland also sends a few general medicine students to study at Bogomolets National Medical University, and they also study dentistry and pharmacy.

From France, every year, Bogomolets National Medical University accepts international medical students at its general medicine faculty.

A huge number of Asian and African international students from Germany every year come to Bogomolets National Medical University and join medical faculties.

A few international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine from Greece.

Rarely do international medical students from Iceland join medical education in Ukraine at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Ireland is a prominent one among European countries from which international medical students come to Ukraine and join Bogomolets National Medical University every year and study their general medicine course with English as the medium of instruction.

From Italy, international medical students join Bogomolets National Medical University to study general medicine and dentistry, but they are not in huge numbers.

From Holland, international medical students come to join Bogomolets National Medical University sometimes, but in a few numbers at present.

Norway is a hub of foreign communities, even a small Scandinavian country, but from Norway, international medical students come to Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine.

Portugal nationals also love to study medical courses in Ukraine, and they join every year in a few numbers at Bogomolets National Medical University.

Spain is full of foreign communities, and they often send their children for medical education at Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv.

From Switzerland, a few international medical students sometimes join medical faculties at Bogomolets National Medical University.

From the United Kingdom, a huge number of international medical students come to study at Bogomolets National Medical University for their general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses.

International Nigerian medical students come in the most numbers to study their general medicine courses at this medical university, and they study their general medicine courses for the whole 6 years in English as their medium of instruction, as their official language in Nigeria is English, so these Nigerian international medical students are brilliant at English.

International Ghanaian medical students also come to study in Ukraine their general medicine courses at Bogomolets National Medical University, and like Nigerian medical students, these Ghanaian international medical students also study their general medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy courses in English as their medium of instruction.

Cameroonian, Namibian, and Zambian international medical students also join Bogomolets National Medical University every year in good numbers, and these international medical students from Cameroon, Namibia, and Zambia also study their general medicine courses in English as their medium of instruction.

Many African international medical students come to study dentistry and pharmacy courses at Bogomolets National Medical University, and most of them prefer to study their dentistry and pharmacy courses in English as their medium of instruction for all academic years.

Moroccan, Algerian, Egyptian, and Tunisian international medical students also come to study at National Medical University, and as their official languages are French and Arabic, these international medical students from Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia study their general medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy courses in Ukrainian as their medium of instruction after a 10-month Ukrainian language course at this same Bogomolets National Medical University.

Indian and Pakistani nationals also come to study every year in good numbers in their MBBS programs at Bogomolets National Medical University, and these nationals of India and Pakistan also study their MBBS, dentistry, or pharmacy programs in English as their medium of instruction directly.

We welcome foreign students who want to study their general medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy programs at Bogomolets National Medical University, and they may contact us anytime for their admission processing at the Ministry of Education, Ukraine.

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You may contact us directly in Ukraine for any inquiry. Email: Ph,Whatsapp/Viber:+380952493720(Multilines) WWW.UKRAINIANACADEMIES.COM


We are pleased to announce that now Ministry of Education,Ukraine has announced that applicants may apply admissions and obtain visas throughout the year from any country of the world. We are accepting applications for 2023-2024 intakes.

Ukraine & EU Visa regime

Ukraine has free visa regime with all Schengen states and Ukraine passport holders may travel without visa for 90 days to any schengen country.