FOR ZAMBIAN STUDENTSfor Zambian students

Every year, many international students come to study in Ukraine at different universities and faculties.

Most international students from Zambia come from Lusaka, the capital, and Copperbelt region.

International Zambian students are good at English, so they join their degree programs directly in English.

Almost at every state-owned medical university in Ukraine, Zambian international medical students are studying, and this number is growing every year.

Zambian international students have always been brilliant academics in Ukraine, so Ukraine always welcomes international students from Zambia with open hands.

For the 2025-2026 intakes in Ukraine, there must be a good number of Zambian international students joining degree programs at engineering and medical universities.

Zambian international students prefer Ukraine while thinking about studying in Europe due to the high quality of education and quite affordable academic costs.


The admission process for Zambian international students is quite simple. All interested international applicants from Zambia scan their secondary school certificate with an international travel passport copy in the email of the admissions office mentioned below.

Once the admissions staff receives the scanned copies from the applicants, they start the assessment process, and it takes 1-2 days to assess their eligibility.

Eligible international applicants send their admission fee through wire transfer or Western Union and scan the receipt to the admissions office email.

Once the admission fee is received, their documents are forwarded for further processing at the Ministry of Education, Ukraine.

The admission process at the Ministry of Education, Ukraine, takes 2 weeks, and an official study invitation is delivered to our admissions staff, which is couriered to the applicant for visa application.

Ineligible applicants are asked to scan more documents if required by the admissions office.



Zambian international medical students come in huge numbers to Ukraine to study general medicine courses in Ukraine at national medical universities.

international Zambian medical students study their general medicine courses in English for the whole 6 years.

Zambian international medical students come to Ukraine for their general medicine programs once they have passed their secondary school in Zambia with chemistry and biology.

There are two intakes in Ukraine for international medical students, September and February, and Zambian international medical students come to Ukraine for both intakes.

At almost all national medical universities in Ukraine, Zambian international medical students are always studying.


International Zambian medical students come for dentistry courses at national medical universities in Ukraine.

The dentistry course consists of 5 years in Ukraine, and Zambian international medical students always prefer to study their dentistry programs in English as their medium of instruction, as Zambian international medical students know English very well.

To study dentistry in Ukraine, Zambian international medical students come after passing their secondary school in Zambia.

At dentistry faculties, there are many Zambian international medical students studying in Ukraine always.

In Ukraine, at every national medical university, there is normally a dentistry faculty.


Nursing is a very popular program among Zambian international medical students, and every year, Zambian medical students come to study nursing courses in Ukraine at diploma and degree levels.

Zambian international medical students study nursing for 2 years for diploma courses and 4 years for a degree in nursing.

Nursing is offered in English as the medium of instruction in Ukraine at national medical universities, and Zambian international medical students always like to study nursing in English at medical universities in Ukraine.

Zambian international medical students come to Ukraine for nursing programs after secondary school.


Pharmacy in Ukraine is offered for 5 years at national medical universities, and Zambian international students join pharmacy faculties every year in Ukraine.

Pharmacy programs in Ukraine are offered in English as the medium of instruction, and Zambian international students study for their pharmacy courses in Ukraine directly in English as their medium of instruction.

International Zambian students come to study pharmacy after having a secondary school certificate with them.


International Zambian students love to study aeronautical engineering programs at aviation institutes in Ukraine at their graduate and undergraduate levels.

Aeronautical engineering programs are offered in English as the medium of instruction, and Zambian international students always study aviation courses in English.

Aerospace engineering is taught for 4 years for all international and national students in Ukraine, and Zambian international students join their aeronautics programs after secondary school. Kharkiv Aviation Institute is known as the best aviation institute among all aviation institutes in Europe, and Zambian international students prefer to study at this aviation institute.

Every year, many Zambian international students join aeronautical engineering courses in Ukraine.


Zambian international students come to study computer engineering every year in Ukraine at national engineering universities.

Computer engineering is offered at bachelor’s and master’s degree levels, and both levels are offered in English as the medium of instruction for international students, and Zambian international students always study their computer engineering programs in English.

Zambian international students apply for admission to computer engineering faculties once they pass their secondary school in Zambia.

For a master’s in computer engineering, Zambian international students present their bachelor’s degree at the time of admission.

At almost all computer engineering faculties, Zambian international students are studying their computer engineering degree programs in Ukraine.


Information technology courses are offered at all national engineering universities, and Zambian international students every year join graduate and undergraduate information technology courses at these national technical universities.

A bachelor’s in information technology consists of 4 years, while a master’s is for 2 years.

Zambian international students apply for an undergraduate degree in information technology after secondary school, while for a master’s in information technology, Zambian international students apply with a bachelor’s degree.

Information technology courses are offered in English as the medium of instruction in Ukraine, and Zambian international students study their information technology courses always in English.


International Zambian students have always been sowing great interest in studying cybersecurity courses in Ukraine, and they come every year to study at national technical universities for cybersecurity courses.

Cybersecurity courses are offered at bachelor’s and master’s levels in Ukraine, and the medium of instruction is English for Zambian international students.

The duration and admission requirements for cybersecurity courses are the same as for other technical courses in Ukraine.

Many Zambian international students apply every year for admission to cybersecurity faculties in Ukraine.


Zambian international students come to Ukraine every year to study civil engineering graduate and undergraduate courses at national technical universities.

Civil engineering courses in Ukraine are offered in English as the medium of instruction, and Zambian international students always prefer to study civil engineering courses in English.

The duration of civil engineering and the admission requirements are the same as for other technical courses in Ukraine.


Electrical engineering in Ukraine is offered at many national engineering universities, and Zambian international students come to Ukraine to study graduate and undergraduate electrical engineering courses every year.

Electrical engineering courses are offered in English as the medium of instruction in Ukraine, and Zambian international students always join electrical engineering in English, as in Zambia, the official language is English.

The duration of graduate and undergraduate degree programs in electrical engineering is the same as for all engineering courses in Ukraine, and also the admission requirements do not differ.


Mechanical engineering in Ukraine is offered at many engineering universities, and Zambian international students join mechanical engineering degree programs every year in Ukraine at these national technical universities.

Mechanical engineering is offered in English medium in Ukraine for foreign students, and Zambian international students always study for their graduate and undergraduate mechanical engineering courses in English as their medium of instruction.

The admission requirements and duration of mechanical engineering degree programs are the same as those of other engineering courses in Ukraine.


Ukraine has the best mining engineering universities, and Zambian international students every year join their mining engineering courses in Ukraine at national universities located in different cities in Ukraine.

Mining engineering is offered for 4 years as an undergraduate degree and 2 years for a master’s.

Zambian international students join undergraduate mining degree programs once they pass their secondary school in Zambia.

Master’s applicants present a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering for admission to mining faculties in Ukraine.


Geology in Ukraine is offered at many national universities, and every year, many Zambian international students come to Ukraine to study geology.

A bachelor’s in geology consists of 4 years, while a master’s in geology lasts for 2 years at national universities in Ukraine.

Geology is taught in Ukrainian medium in Ukraine, so in their first year, Zambian international students study at a language faculty and then join their geology degree programs at one of the national universities.


International Zambian students come to Ukraine in good numbers to study public health courses at national universities, and Zambian international students study for their public health courses at bachelor’s and master’s levels.

Zambian international students come to Ukraine for a public health undergraduate course after secondary school.

For a master’s in public health, Zambian international students come after having a bachelor’s degree with them.

At many national universities in Ukraine, Zambian international students are studying their public health courses.


Zambian international students love to study physiotherapy courses in Ukraine at sports universities.

International Zambian students study for their bachelor’s in physiotherapy after secondary school, and for a master’s in physiotherapy, Zambian international students come after having a bachelor’s degree with them.

The tuition fee in Ukraine for physiotherapy is affordable at national universities, and at almost all sports universities in Ukraine, Zambian international students are always studying their physiotherapy degree programs.


Microbiology in Ukraine is taught at many national universities and Zambians students every year join microbiology courses at these universities for their graduate and undergraduate degree programs.

Zambian students study masters in microbiology in Ukraine after holding a bachelor degree and for undergraduate course in microbiology Zambian students join after secondary school.

Undergraduate microbiology program consists of 4 Years while masters in microbiology 2 Years.


Biochemistry is offered at many national universities in Ukraine for Zambian students and every year goo numbers of Zambian students join biochemistry degree programs at these national universities.

Duration of the course is same as for microbiology and admission requirements too.


Economics courses are very popular courses among Zambian students and every year Zambian students come to join their graduate and undergraduate courses in economics at national economics universities in Ukraine.

Bachelor in economics consists of 4 Years at any national economics university while masters in economics 2 Years at the same universities.

Economics courses in Ukraine are taught in English medium of instructions and Zambian students love to study their economics courses always in English medium of instructions.

For an undergraduate degree in economics Zambian students apply for admission once they have secondary school certificate.

For masters in economics Zambian students apply with a bachelor degree.


Business management courses in Ukraine are offered at many national universities for Zambian students and these Zambian students every year join these business management courses in Ukraine at these universities.

Business management in Ukraine is offered for both graduate and undergraduate level and Zambian students join both levels in Ukraine every year.

Duration of the business management course and admission requirements are same as for economics courses.

Masters in business administration is offered for 2 Years at Ukrainian national and economics universities while bachelor in business management is 4 Years.


Zambian students also love to study banking and finance courses in Ukraine at national universities in English medium of instructions.

Every year many Zambian students join banking and finance in Ukraine at national universities.

Duration and admission requirements for banking and finance courses are same as for economics and business management program.


Zambian students come to study automobile engineering courses in Ukraine as Ukraine has specific automobile universities for these Zambian students where they study with other foreign students from different countries.

Automobile engineering is offered for bachelor and masters in Ukraine at these automobile universities.

Automobile degree programs are offered in Russian medium at these national automobile universities and Zambian students first year study at preparatory faculty and than next year start their degree programs.

Duration and admission requirements for automobile engineering are same in Ukraine as for other engineering degree courses.


Biomedical engineering is offered at many national engineering universities in Ukraine for Zambian students and these Zambian students study their biomedical engineering courses every year for graduate and undergraduate levels.

Zambian students always study their biomedical engineering in English medium of instructions in Ukraine at national technical universities.

Duration and admission requirements for biomedical engineering are same as for other engineering courses in Ukraine.


Chemical engineering in Ukraine is offered at many national universities for Zambian students and these Zambian students come to study chemical engineering courses in Ukraine for both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Zambian students come to study in Ukraine chemical engineering undergraduate program after having secondary school certificate with them while for masters in chemical engineering Zambian students must apply with a bachelor degree which they already have with them.


Ecology is very prominent course in Ukraine for foreign students and Zambian students also come to study ecology courses in Ukraine at national universities.

Ecology is offered at national Ukrainian universities for both levels graduate and undergraduate.

An undergraduate degree in ecology is taught for 4 Years while masters in ecology is taught for 2 Years at national universities in Ukraine.

Admission requirements for ecology courses are same as for other graduate and undergraduate courses in Ukraine.


Food science in Ukraine are offered at many food technology universities for Zambian students and every year many Zambian students study their graduate and undergraduate courses in the field of food sciences in Ukraine.

Duration and admission requirements for food technology courses are same as for other bachelor and masters courses in Ukraine.


Zambian students love to study human resources management graduate and undergraduate courses in Ukraine.

Every year many Zambian students join national universities in Ukraine for human resources management courses.

Bachelor in human resources management is taught for 4 Years while masters in human resources management is taught for 2 Years.

Zambian students come for a bachelor in human resources management program after secondary school while for masters in human resources management Zambian students come after having already an undergraduate degree with them.


Zambian students come to Ukraine for international relations undergraduate and graduate programs every year.

International relations course in Ukraine is taught for 4 Years for a bachelor degree and for masters in international relations Zambian students study for 2 Years at one of the national university.

For studying bachelor in international relations in Ukraine Zambian students present a secondary school certificate while for masters in international relations Zambian students must hold a bachelor degree already with them.


Law is offered at many national universities in Ukraine and Zambian students every year come to study law at these national universities.

Law in Ukraine is offered in English medium of instructions so Zambian students find them very comfortable during their studies in Ukraine.

All Zambian nationals who have passed secondary school may apply for the admission in Ukraine at law faculties.


Management courses in Ukraine are taught at many national economics universities and every year Zambian students join these economics universities for studying their bachelor and masters in management degree programs.

Management is taught fully in English medium of instructions in Ukraine at national universities so Zambian students always prefer to study in Ukraine their management courses while considering different study abroad destinations in Europe.

Bachelor degree in management consists of 4 Years while masters in management 2 Years at national economics universities.

Admission requirements are same as for economics and business management courses in Ukraine.


Marketing in Ukraine is offered at many economics universities for foreign students and Zambian students also join in good numbers every year marketing degree courses in Ukraine at these national economics universities.

Duration and admission requirements are same for marketing graduate and undergraduate programs as for economics and management courses in Ukraine.

Zambian students always prefer to study marketing in English medium of instructions in Ukraine.


Mass communication is very popular degree program among foreign students and also Zambian students who come to study in Ukraine mass communication courses for bachelor and masters at national Ukrainian universities.

Zambian students study mass communication for 4 Years for a bachelor degree while for masters in mass communication these Zambian students study 2 Years at one of the national university in Ukraine.

Admission requirements are same as for economics and management courses in Ukraine.


Medical laboratory science program in Ukraine attracts many Zambian students every year and these Zambian students study their medical laboratory science courses every year in Ukraine for bachelor and masters levels at national medical universities.

Ukraine offer the best medical laboratory science degree programs for international students among all European programs for medical laboratory science and for this reason most of the Zambian students come to Ukraine for studying medical laboratory science  at national medical universities of Ukraine.

Zambian students come to join in Ukraine their bachelor in medical laboratory science  after secondary school while for masters in medical laboratory science Zambian students must apply with a bachelor degree which they already have n the field of medical laboratory science.


Many Zambian students come to study their PhD in Ukraine and these Zambian students first year study at preparatory faculty and than start their 4 Years PhD program in Ukraine.

During studies in Ukraine these Zambian students 2 Years study theory and rest of the two year they are involved in research work.


Project management is offered at many national universities in Ukraine for foreign students and Zambian students every year come to study their project management graduate and undergraduate courses at these national universities.

Bachelor in project management consists of 4 Years while masters in project management consists of 2 Years.

Project management Zambian  applicants should present the same admission requirements which are required for economics and management.

Zambian students always prefer to study their project management courses in English medium of instructions in Ukraine.


Zambian students love to study psychology and for this study purpose they come to Ukraine every year and Ukraine welcome them warmly at its national universities.

Psychology is offered at many national Ukrainian universities and this program is taught for both undergraduate and graduate level in Ukraine.

Zambian students study psychology for 4 Years as undergraduate students while for masters in Psychology these Zambian students study for 2 Years at national universities in Ukraine.

Admission requirements are same as for other social courses in Ukraine.


Social science courses are offered in Ukraine at many national universities  and in wide range.

Zambian students study different social science courses in Ukraine at different national universities for graduate and undergraduate levels.

Bachelor in social science is studied for 4 Years and masters in social science is for 2 Years in Ukraine at national universities.

Admission requirements are same as for other social courses in Ukraine.


Ukraine offer the best software engineering courses for Zambian students at its national engineering universities for bachelor and masters levels.

Zambian students mostly come to study in Ukraine bachelor in software engineering and they study for 4 Years as an undergraduate student in Ukraine.

Masters in software engineering is studied for 2 Years at technical universities  and Zambian students who want to study masters in software engineering should already have with them a bachelor degree.


Statistics degree programs is very popular in Zambia and many Zambian students come to Ukraine for studying graduate and undergraduate statistics programs at national universities.

Bachelor in statistics is studied for 4 Years while masters for 2 Years at one of the national university in Ukraine.

Admission requirements are very simple for Zambian students as for bachelor degree admission these Zambian students present their secondary school certificate while for masters in statistics these Zambian students present their bachelor degree too for admission in Ukraine.


Zambian students love to study veterinary medicine abroad in Europe and for this purpose these Zambian students prefer Ukraine to other European countries.

veterinary medicine is taught at veterinary universities in Ukraine which are located in different cities of Ukraine.

Zambian students apply for admission at one of the veterinary medicine university once they have passed their secondary school in Zambia.

veterinary medicine degree awarded by one of the veterinary medicine university in Ukraine is recognized worldwide so these Zambian students practice their veterinary medicine anywhere in the world after graduation from Ukraine.


Ukraine offer the best telecommunication degree programs at its national technical universities and every year many Zambian students join their bachelor and masters in telecommunication at these Ukrainian universities.

Telecommunication is taught for bachelor and masters in Ukraine and Zambian students come to study telecommunication for both levels.

Zambian students like to study telecommunication in English medium of instructions in Ukraine as these Zambian students are brilliant at English.

An undergraduate degree in telecommunication is taught for 4 Years at engineering universities while masters in telecommunication is studied for 2 Years.

Admission requirements are same for telecommunication programs as for computer engineering or information technology courses in Ukraine.


Ukraine offer its best of tourism and hotel management degree programs for Zambian students at its national universities.

Many Zambian students come for tourism and hotel management courses in Ukraine and Ukraine welcome them warmly.

tourism and hotel management courses are taught for bachelor and masters levels in Ukraine and Zambian students study for both levels at national universities.

Tourism and hotel management is offered in English medium of instructions in Ukraine for Zambian students and Zambian students always prefer to study their tourism and hotel management programs in English medium.

Admission requirements for tourism and hotel management courses in Ukraine are same as for other social science courses.


In Ukraine prominent professional courses are taught in English medium of instructions for Zambian students but there are many courses which are taught only in Russian medium of instructions so for these Russian medium courses Zambian students first year study at Russian language faculty with science subjects and upon completion of Russian language course Zambian students study their degree programs which are not taught in English medium.


Ukraine has assigned the Embassy of Ukraine in South Africa for Zambian students.

Applicants may visit the link below for the Embassy in South Africa:

We strongly advise to take all supporting documents together and careful while traveling to the Embassy of Ukraine as missing of any documents will result in travelling back to Zambia and it will be the wastage of time and money.

An admission confirmation is sent to the Embassy by Ministry of Education,Ukraine to the Embassy directly.

Ukrainian Embassy is located in Pretoria, South Africa.

The documents required for study visa are:

1. Original Passport (must be valid for one year)

2. Six passport size photos (6 x 4)

3. Complete filled Application Form.

4. Original study invitation from Ministry of education,Ukraine

5. Original HIV-Test certificate- (Embassy will translate this document)

6. Original School Certificate with Grades or Points (should be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zambia OR should be with Apostle (seal) – (Embassy will translate and legalize this document)

7. Original Birth Certificate (should be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zambia OR should be with Apostle seal) – (Embassy will translate and legalize this document)

8. Original medical examination certificate certified by the official body (should be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zambia OR should be with Apostle seal) – (Embassy will translate and legalize this document)


Zambian international students come to Ukraine for their higher education from most populated cities of Zambia normally.

Mostly Zambian international students come to Ukraine for their higher education from Lusaka which is also the capital of Zambia and most populated city in Zambia.

Mostly Lusaka residents come to Ukraine for studying general medicine and dentistry courses and also these Zambian students study Pharmacy and engineering courses too at National universities.

Second populated city in Zambia is Kitwe from where Zambian international students come to Ukraine for their higher education but they are not in huge numbers like Lusaka residents.

Kitwe is also a rich city and located in Copper Belt region and the residents of Kitwe normally afford the higher education of their children in Ukraine.

Residents of Kitwe in Ukraine mostly join general medicine and Dentistry courses at National medical universities and for departure to Ukraine they use the Lusaka international airport after issuance of Ukraine visa by the Embassy of Ukraine in South Africa.

Third populated city in Zambia is Ndola which is also a commercial hub in Zambia and is located on the way of Lusaka to Kitwe and it is near to Kitwe city.

From Ndola also Zambian international students come to Ukraine for studying general medicine and engineering courses.

Zambian students has always been studying at almost every National medical university located in different cities of Ukraine.

In Ukraine at engineering universities also Zambian students has good presence always.

Zambian international students has a great academic history in Ukraine so they are always warmly welcomed in Ukraine by Ministry of Education,Ukraine which is responsible for the issuance of official study invitations for international students.

Chingola is also a populated city in Zambia which is located on quite opposite side of above mentioned cities and is popular worldwide due to its Victoria Falls.

From Chingola also many Zambian foreign students join in Ukraine medical and engineering faculties and study with other foreign students.

Zambian students always study their medical and engineering courses with English medium of instructions in Ukraine as in Zambia English is widely spoken.

Chingola residents also has good presence in Ukraine at engineering and medical universities and hopefully in future their numbers will increase.

Mufulira is a low populated Town in Zambia and is well know for its Copper mines.

From Mufulira rarely Zambian international students come to Ukraine for their higher education in engineering and medical fields and it is due to their low population.

Mufullira residents in Zambia are also required the same education qualification for admission and they also use the Lusaka international airport for travelling to Ukraine from Zambia.

Mufulira residents send their Ukraine visa file through courier service to Ukraine visa center in South Africa and after receiving their documents back with Ukraine visa depart for Ukraine.


1:I am a Zambian students so how do i apply for studying my desired course in Ukraine?

First of all you must contact the admission office and you may contact us through whats app/viber or Email mentioned below.

You should fill APPLY ONLINE FORM and press the send button,This application form is received by admission staff and in response they send you the complete details for your desired course.

Apply Online

2:What qualification is required from a Zambian applicant for studying at one of the national medical or engineering university in Ukraine?

Zambian students always love to study general medicine,Dentistry,Pharmacy and nursing courses at national medical universities in Ukraine.

All Zambian students who want to study general medicine must have with them secondary school certificate with science subjects.Same conditions apply for other medical courses.

Zambian students who want to study engineering in Ukraine also should have secondary school certificate with Physics and Mathematics subjects.This requirement is for Zambian students who want to study on undergraduate level.

For masters courses Zambian students must hold a bachelor degree with them already.

3:How may i send my required documents to admission office from Zambia?

As we all know that courier services are expensive ways to send original documents to Ukraine from Zambia and also it is time taking procedure.

We always recommend Zambian and other foreign students who want to send their admission documents to Ukraine that only they should send by scan their documents in the Email of admission office mentioned bellow.

Zambian students also should not forget to scan their travel passport copy too for assessment.

4:What happens next once i have scanned my documents for admission in Ukraine?

Zambian students should wait for 2 Days once they have sent their admission documents to the admission staff in Ukraine.

Admission staff assess the admission eligibility within 2 Days of time and than upon completion of assessment they inform the Zambian student by Email for his/her assessment results.

5:What to do in case i am found eligible for studying my desired course in Ukraine?

In case you are found eligible than in eligibility Email all further instructions are mentioned that how to send the admission charges.

You should scan the receipt of admission fee in the Email of admission staff.

6:What to do next once i have sent the admission fee from Zambia?

Once your admission fee for higher education in Ukraine is received,Your documents are forwarded to the Ministry of Education,Ukraine and they issue the official study invitation within 2 Weeks of time.

Once issued,This official study invitation is sent to the Zambian applicant as he/she requires it for his her Ukraine student visa processing.

7:How to obtain Ukraine student visa as a Zambian student?

Ukraine Embassy in South Africa is assigned for Zambian students who want to come to Ukraine for their higher studies.

Once Zambian student has original official study invitation,He/She will gather the rest of the required visa file documents and travel to South Africa which is not a big far from Zambia and apply Ukraine student visa at Embassy of Ukraine in Pretoria city.

Ukraine student visa processing time is 2 Weeks at Embassy of Ukraine once you have submitted your documents.


8:Who will receive me in Ukraine as i am travelling to Ukraine first time from Zambia?

Once Zambian applicant has obtained Ukraine student visa,He/She has to scan his/her visa and return air ticket copy to the admission office and admission staff prepare appropriate documents for immigration to receive the Zambian student.

One of or staff member will receive you at international airport in Ukraine with reception documents for immigration.

In case you do not inform the admission office about your departure from Zambia and admission office staff member is not present at the Ukraine international airport for your reception,In that case you are departed back to Zambia.

Do not forget to scan us your Ukraine study visa and return air ticket for your safe reception.


Interested Zambian applicants may contact us today directly for the 2022-2023 intakes admission process:





February 27, 2018 at 7:25 pm

good information

Students interested in studying in Belarus any course may contact us on following number or visit our site in Belarus.



June 4, 2021 at 10:06 am

Over 4,000 graduates of Russian universities have already found employment in Zambia, with some of them working in senior positions in the government. In 2020, 138 applicants from Zambia were admitted under the quota system. Thereby nine enrollees had to compete for one study place. Altogether 600 Zambian students are currently studying in Russia.

Sinkamba Taonga Cletus

August 16, 2021 at 9:05 pm

Am very interested to study in Ukraine


August 16, 2021 at 9:33 pm

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email


Isaac simuchimba

November 9, 2021 at 9:34 am

Am very interested to study pathology course in Ukraine. Is it possible to study this course in your country when I have Masters of Public Health?


November 10, 2021 at 12:20 pm

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email



We are available for live help online.In case none of our staff member is online than you may leave message in live chat window and we will contact you as soon as possible.Please do not forget to write your mobile number in the messege.


You may contact us directly in Ukraine for any inquiry. Email: Ph,Whatsapp/Viber:+380952493720(Multilines) WWW.UKRAINIANACADEMIES.COM


We are pleased to announce that now Ministry of Education,Ukraine has announced that applicants may apply admissions and obtain visas throughout the year from any country of the world. We are accepting applications for 2023-2024 intakes.

Ukraine & EU Visa regime

Ukraine has free visa regime with all Schengen states and Ukraine passport holders may travel without visa for 90 days to any schengen country.