We welcome you in case you want to take admission at Ukrainian universities for any course for 2023-2024 intakes.

Admissions are going on for Medical Engineering and Management universities in Ukraine for 2023-2024 sessions.

Admission process is very quick so in case you are interested than write or call us today for your admission process at Ukrainian university for your desired course.

For preparatory course/Post graduate admissions in Ukraine go on throughout the year and there is no deadline.


Every year we receive bulk of foreign students from different regions of the world apply for admission at universities in Ukraine and mostly come from African,Asian and Arab regions.

From African region most of the students come from ?

Nigeria,Ghana,Cameroon,Namibia,Zimbabwe,Zambia,Morocco,Algeria,Egypt and Tunis.

Algerian students come to study in Ukraine every year for different courses and they are admitted positively every year at Ukrainian universities. Algerian students normally study First year Russian language course at any national university in Ukraine and than join their courses.

Angolan students are also admitted at national universities of Ukraine every year for studying different courses and like Algerian students these students from Angola also First year study at Russian language faculty and than start their degree courses in Ukraine.

Benin nationals also come to study in Ukraine every year and they are admitted after secondary school for undergraduate courses.

Burundi nationals also come to study every year in Ukraine and every year their numbers are increasing at universities in Ukraine.

Botswana students are admitted every year at national universities in Ukraine and these students from Botswana prefer to study their courses in English medium of instructions.

Comoros nationals also are admitted every year at Ukrainian universities but these students from Comoros at present are studying in few numbers in Ukraine.

Congolese students come to join universities of Ukraine every year for different courses and these students from Congo First year study at Russian language faculty and than join their degree courses at one of the national university in Ukraine.

From Ivory Coast also every year good numbers of students are admitted at Ukrainian universities and these students from Ivory Coast First year study at preparatory faculty and than join their degree courses at universities of Ukraine.

From Djibouti also many foreign students are admitted at Ukrainian universities for different courses but in very few numbers at present.

Eritrean students every year join universities in Ukraine for different courses and these students from Eritrea are accepted positively at Ukrainian universities.

Egyptian students are admitted in Ukraine every year in huge numbers and these students from Egypt study their degree courses after 10 Months Russian language course in Ukraine. Egyptian students obtain their Ukraine student visas from Ukraine Embassy in Egypt.

From Swaziland many foreign students come to study in Ukraine and every year good numbers of students from Swaziland are admitted at Ukrainian universities.Swaziland nationals are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in South Africa.

Ethiopian students come to study in Ukraine every year and good numbers of Ethiopian students are admitted every year in Ukraine.

From Gabon also foreign students are admitted at Ukrainian universities but in very few numbers at present. Gabon nationals study First year st Russian language faculty and than start their degree courses.

Gambian students are admitted in good numbers every year at universities in Ukraine and these students from Gambia prefer to study their degree courses in English medium of instructions.

Gambian students are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in South Africa.

Guinean students are admitted in Ukraine every year in few numbers and these students from Guinea First year study Russian language course in Ukraine and than join their degree courses in Russian medium of instructions.

Kenyan students are admitted every year in normal numbers at educational institutes in Ukraine and these Kenyan students also prefer to study their degree courses in English directly.

Liberian students come in good numbers  for studying in Ukraine and these students from Liberia are welcomed warmly at Ukrainian universities due to their academic record in Ukraine.

Libyan students are admitted at Russian language faculties every year as these students from Libya prefer to study their degree courses in Ukraine after 10 Months Russian language course in Ukraine.

Malawi nationals also come to study in Ukraine every year in Ukraine and these students from Malawi are in few numbers at present studying in Ukraine.

Mali nationals are admitted every year in Ukraine for their higher education and at present these students from Mali are in few numbers studying in Ukraine.

From Mauritania also foreign students are admitted at universities in Ukraine in few numbers.

From Mozambique also students are admitted in few numbers for studying in Ukraine and these Mozambique nationals study First year Russian language and than start their degree courses.

Moroccan students every year come in huge numbers for studying in Ukraine and are admitted in great numbers. Moroccan students first year study at preparatory faculty and than join their degree courses in Ukraine.Moroccan students are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in Morocco.

Rwandan students are admitted every year for studying in Ukraine their desired courses and these students from Rwanda normally prefer to study their courses in English medium of instructions.

Senegalese students are also admitted every year for their higher education in Ukraine and these students arriving from Senegal First year study at Russian language faculty and than start their degree courses. Senegalese students are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in Dakar.

From Sierra Leon also many foreign students are admitted for studying at Ukrainian universities and these students from Sierra Leon prefer to study their desired courses in English medium.

Somalian students are admitted for studying in Ukraine every year and these Somalian students like to study their courses in English medium of instructions.

Sudanese nationals are also admitted in good numbers every year for higher education in Ukraine and these students from Sudan prefer to study their courses after 10 Months Russian language course in Ukraine.

South African students are admitted in huge numbers every year at different Ukrainian universities and these students from South Africa has great reputation in Ukraine so Ukraine welcome these South African students warmly.South African students are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in Pretoria.

Tanzanian students are also admitted for higher education in Ukraine and these Tanzanian students prefer to study in Ukraine their desired courses directly in English medium of instructions.

Togolese students are also admitted in Ukraine for studying in Ukraine and these Togolese nationals are brilliant at their studies even these Togolese students are not in huge numbers.

Tunisian students take admission at universities of Ukraine in huge numbers every year and these students from Tunisia first learn Russian language and than start their degree courses.

Ugandan students also are admitted in few numbers for studying in Ukraine and these Ugandan students love to study their courses in English medium of instructions.

Zambian students are admitted at Ukrainian universities in huge numbers every year for both intakes and these Zambian students study their desired courses normally in English medium.

Zimbabwean students are admitted every year in few numbers for studying in Ukraine and these students from Zimbabwe also prefer to study their desired degree programs in English medium of instructions directly.

From Afghanistan also many Afghani students are admitted at Ukrainian universities and these Afghani students are issued Ukraine study visas by Ukraine Embassy in Pakistan.

From Bahrain also many foreign students are admitted for higher education in Ukraine and these students from Bahrain are not only the nationals of Bahrain but nationals of India and Pakistan too residing in Bahrain.

Cambodian students are also admitted in Ukraine for higher education but in very few numbers at present.

Indonesian students also take admission in Ukraine every year and these students from Indonesia are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in Jakarta.

Iranian students are admitted in huge numbers every year at recognized universities by foreign Ministry of Iran and these Iranian students study First year at Russian language faculty and than start their degree courses in Ukraine.

Iraqi students are also admitted in good numbers at Ukrainian universities every year and these Iraqi students also First year study at Russian language faculty and than join their courses.

Israeli students every year are admitted at Ukrainian universities in good numbers and these Israeli students are warmly welcomed at universities in Ukraine.

From Kuwait also many foreign students take admission in Ukraine for different degree courses and these foreign students coming from Kuwait are not only the nationals of Kuwait but also nationals of other Asian and African countries.

Lebanese students are admitted for higher education in Ukraine in huge numbers every year and these Lebanese students First year study at Russian language faculty and than join their courses.

From Maldives also few numbers of students are admitted for their higher education and these students from Maldives prefer to study their courses in English medium directly.

Nepalese nationals every year come to study in Ukraine and these students from Nepal are normally admitted for studying Russian language course First year.

North Korean students also apply for studying in Ukraine and apply for admission every year for different courses.

North Korean students most come and study general medicine course and some join dentistry program in Ukraine.

North Korean students are also admitted for engineering courses in Ukraine and study computer science and other technical courses at engineering universities.

From Palestine also many foreign students are admitted at Ukrainian universities and these students from Palestine prefer to study their degree programs after 10 Months Russian language course at any national university in Ukraine.

From Qatar also many Indian and Pakistani students take admission at national medical & engineering universities in Ukraine as these Indian and Pakistani students reside in Qatar.

From Saudi Arabia many foreign students arrive Ukraine and these students from Saudi Arabia are normally the nationals of Asian and African countries.

South Korean students also join engineering and medical universities in Ukraine and study different medical and technical courses.

South Korean students are admitted at Ukrainian universities for mostly general medicine and dentistry courses.Many come for aeronautical engineering courses too as Ukraine has the best aeronautical universities.

Syrian students every year join Ukrainian universities and these Syrian students First year are admitted at Russian language faculty.

Turkish students are admitted every year in great numbers at national universities of Ukraine and First year these Turkish students study at Russian language faculty and than join their degree courses.

From United Arab Emirates also many international students are admitted at Ukrainian institutes and normally these foreign students coming from United Arab Emirates are the nationals of different Asian and African countries.These students from United Arab Emirates are issued Ukraine student visas by Ukraine Embassy in United Arab Emirates.

From Yemen also many foreign students come to study in Ukraine and these students from Yemen First year are admitted at Russian language faculty and than join their degree courses.

On number one if we  say foreign students come from Nigeria and Nigerian students mostly come to study general medicine course at medical universities in Ukraine in different cities.

Nigerian students prefer Ukraine too all other European countries because tuition fee at these universities in Ukraine is very affordable with quality education and modern labs and hospitals.

Nigerian students also prefer Ukraine as Ukraine offer the easiest student visa for Nigerian from Ukraine Embassy in Abuja.

Now Nigerian students apply visa through VFS Ukraine visa center and collect their visa from this same office so it has become more easier for Nigerian students to obtain Ukraine student visa.

Students from Ghana also come in huge numbers every year for study different courses at universities in Ukraine and they mostly come to study general medicine,Engineering and masters courses in Ukraine.

Ghanaian students also prefer Ukraine to other countries in Europe because of high quality of medical,Engineering and commerce education.

Now those all students from Ghana who have official study invitation by Ministry of Education,Ukraine do not need to travel to Senegal for Ukraine student visa,These Ghanaian students obtain their Ukraine student visa in capital city Accra from Ukraine visa center.

Students from Cameroon also come in good numbers every year for studying in Ukraine and every year many Cameroonian students apply for admission at universities in Ukraine for different courses.

Many Cameroonian students come to study Nursing and general medicine courses in Ukraine.

These Cameroonian students obtain their Ukraine student visa from Ukraine Embassy located in Nigeria.

Students from Zambia also come to Ukraine every year for different courses at different universities.

Zambian students come to join their courses in Ukraine in all fields and they have great academic record in Ukraine.

Zambian students obtain their Ukraine student visa at Ukraine Embassy located in Pretoria,South Africa.

Mostly Zambian students come from the Lusaka and Copper belt region and also from Livingstone.

We warmly welcome Zambian students who want to study different courses in Ukraine and they may apply with us for their admission at any university in Ukraine.

From Asian region mostly students come to Ukraine from India,Pakistan,Maldives,China and Sri Lanka.

Students from India mostly come to study general medicine program and many come fro aeronautical engineering program in Ukraine.

Many Indian students also come to study language courses in Ukraine.

Indian students obtain their visas from VFS in Delhi.

Pakistani students mostly come to join general medicine program and also language courses in Ukraine.

At every national medical university in Ukraine Pakistani students are studying and they are very good at their medical education in Ukraine.

Students from Pakistan obtain their Ukraine study visa from VFS in their major cities.

Few students also apply for admission at universities in Ukraine and mostly students from Austria apply for admission at general medicine and aeronautical engineering universities.

Denmark nationals and residents also apply for admission in Ukraine for studying general medicine,dentistry,pharmacy,computer engineering,aeronautical engineering,Marine engineering and other courses too.

Finland nationals and residents also apply for admission at national universities of Ukraine and study general medicine,dentistry and pharmacy programs.

From Germany good number of national and foreign students apply for admission and study at Ukrainian universities.From Germany foreign students come for different courses and most of them like to study general medicine,dentistry,pharmacy courses.

From Germany also foreign students apply for studying aeronautical engineering and marine engineering too.Many come for studying food science and veterinary medicine too.

Greek nationals and also residents of Greece also take admission in Ukraine for studying different medical courses in Ukraine and mostly love to study general medicine and aeronautical engineering courses.Few students come for studying food science and veterinary medicine courses too at different national Ukrainian universities.

Italian nationals and residents also apply for studying different educational programs in Ukraine and mostly come to join medical universities and study general medicine course.

Italian students also like to study law courses too.

Ireland is a country fro where huge number of Asian and African students a;ply for admission at national institutes of Ukraine and mostly come to study general medicine and dentistry courses.

Many students from Ireland also come and study food science,veterinary medicine and engineering courses too.

From Ireland foreign students arrive Ukraine and among them majority belong to Asian and African community.

From Iceland also many nationals and residents apply for studying different programs in Ukraine and these foreign students normally study general medicine and dentistry courses.

Many students from Iceland apply for admission at electrical engineering,computer science and information technology faculties too.

From Netherlands also many students apply for studying different educational degree programs in Ukraine.

Mostly students from Netherlands come to study general medicine and dentistry courses at national medical universities.

Few students also come to study project management and human resources management courses too in Ukraine.

Food science and veterinary medicine is also very popular courses among students from Netherlands.

Norway is also an European country from where good number of foreign students apply for admission in Ukraine and study their general medicine and dentistry programs at national medical universities.

From Norway few students come to study aeronautical engineering and architecture engineering too at national engineering universities in Ukraine.

From Portugal good number of students apply for admission at educational establishments in Ukraine and general medicine is their favorite program.

Many students from Portugal apply for admission at marine engineering,aeronautical engineering and computer engineering faculties too.

From Spain also many nationals and residents apply for studying different programs in Ukraine and mostly apply for general medicine and pharmacy courses.

From Switzerland also few students every year apply for admission at national universities in Ukraine and normally these Switzerland nationals and residents come Ukraine and study general medicine and dentistry programs at national medical universities.

Some come to study for law and human resources management courses too at national universities.

From Sweden also few applications are received every year for admission at Ukrainian institutes for studying general medicine and pharmacy courses as Ukraine has the best national medical universities recognized by WHO.

Switzerland nationals and residents also like to study aeronautical engineering and software engineering programs too at national engineering universities.

United Kingdom is the most popular country from where huge number of nationals and residents apply for admission at national institutes located in different cities of Ukraine.

From United Kingdom foreign students come to study all courses and especially general medicine and dentistry courses at national medical universities.

Many apply for admission at law and human resources management faculties too.

From United States of America also many foreign students apply for admission at national medical universities owned by the government of Ukraine and study general medicine and dentistry courses.Many join pharmacy faculty too.

From United States of America also foreign students come and join law,tourism and food sciences faculties.

Veterinary medicine is also one of the popular course among students from United States of America.

From Canada also some nationals and residents apply for admission at national universities owned by the government of Ukraine and most of these students from Canada join general medicine and dentistry courses.

Many Canadian students also join computer science,information technology and architecture engineering faculties too at national universities.

Jamaican students every year apply for admission in good numbers at different faculties in Ukraine and mostly come to study general medicine and dentistry courses.

Jamaican students also study veterinary medicine and pharmacy too in Ukraine.

Many students from Spain also apply for studying food science and law courses in Ukraine.

We strongly advise foreign students to always reserve their seat in advance for Medical & Engineering courses.


First of all fill the apply online form right now on the site with complete required details.

Once we receive the apply online form for the admission in Ukraine,You will be sent the details according to your academic requirements with all expenses involved.

Complete admission Requirements

1:International Passport Copy (By scan)

2:Secondary School Certificate copy (By Scan)

Applicants for Masters course may scan us their bachelor degree copy.

3:Processing fee (After Eligibility Assessment)

Interested applicants are advised to scan the documents in the email of admission office:


In Ukraine we have all courses in the all ares of study at Bachelor Masters and PhD level.

Medical programs are offered at medical universities and these all are government owned universities with WHO recognition.International students prefer to study normally in their own native language so these courses are taught in English medium of instructions for those whose native language is English OR they are good at English.

Those international students who are coming from the Non English speaking countries or are not good at English first year study at foundation faculty with science subjects and after that foundation course they join their degree programs in Russian medium of instructions.

Same process of education applies on Management Engineering and Arts universities.


Once you have received the details and you agree to the terms than you must scan us your documents for eligibility assessment.We accept documents by Scan in our Email.

Once the eligibility is assessed,applicant is informed and if he/she is found eligible than he/she transfers the processing & courier charges.

Once we receive the complete requirements,The processing time is 1-2 Weeks for admission and the official study invitation by the Ministry of Education,Ukraine is first scanned and than couriered to the applicant’s address.


University is assigned at the time of issuance of official study invitation by the Ministry of Education,Ukraine with respect to selected academic program.

In case applicant is interested in any specific university than he/she may inform us and we recommend that selective university at the time of processing.


1:Affordable Annual Fee

2:No IELTS or TOEFL is required for admission

3:Free merit system

4:All grades accepted

5:Very affordable living expenses

6:Guaranteed admission in Ukraine

7:Degrees are recognized worldwide

8:English medium of instructions

9:All courses available

10:Exploration of different cultures with foreign students from almost every country.

For 2023-2024 intakes admission please following are the contact details:





February 27, 2018 at 6:42 pm

good article

Students interested in studying in Belarus may contact us on following number or visit our site in Belarus.


Adamu Muhammad

October 29, 2019 at 11:23 pm

I want to apply master degree in veterinary medicine but I want t to know the closing date of application


October 30, 2019 at 10:06 am

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email



February 2, 2020 at 7:57 pm

Are students allowed to work


February 3, 2020 at 6:59 am

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email



April 11, 2020 at 2:54 pm

I have done secondary education .
Am i eligible to get admissions in ukraine or not?


April 11, 2020 at 10:55 pm

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email


Igweagu Ronald Chiagoziem

July 15, 2020 at 4:13 am

I am a Nigerian Student, I wish to study nursing in Ukraine. I need procedures


July 15, 2020 at 9:30 pm

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email


Ololade Folarin

November 27, 2020 at 7:10 pm

When is 21/22 admission process starting?


November 28, 2020 at 11:48 am

Admissions are going on for 2021 intake

osman nur haji

December 25, 2024 at 10:57 am

Sir, I greet you. I am a Somali citizen. I live in Uganda. I graduated from high school. I have a high school diploma, a birth certificate, an English certificate, and a passport.

We are two Somali people, a girl and a boy. We want to study health at university, especially the nursing program. Today we want to learn a skill that will help us in our future and save the world. How can we get a university education, sir? We, as a girl and a boy, have our own expenses and we want you to be as welcoming as possible. Thanks, I’m waiting for an important answer.


December 25, 2024 at 8:57 pm

You may contact us for your admission on whatsapp or Email


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We are available for live help online.In case none of our staff member is online than you may leave message in live chat window and we will contact you as soon as possible.Please do not forget to write your mobile number in the messege.


You may contact us directly in Ukraine for any inquiry. Email: Ph,Whatsapp/Viber:+380952493720(Multilines) WWW.UKRAINIANACADEMIES.COM


We are pleased to announce that now Ministry of Education,Ukraine has announced that applicants may apply admissions and obtain visas throughout the year from any country of the world. We are accepting applications for 2023-2024 intakes.

Ukraine & EU Visa regime

Ukraine has free visa regime with all Schengen states and Ukraine passport holders may travel without visa for 90 days to any schengen country.